THSA Bulletin
Stay up-to-date with the latest news and events from Thrive Home School Academy.
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​Upcoming Events
No School Breakfast or Lunch
Friday, August 30th there will be no breakfast or lunch served due to teacher training.
School Theme Week
September 12-15 is Decade or Era week. Come dressed up from your favorite time period!
*All clothing choices must comply with THSA's school dress code.
Concurrent Enrollment Program
PPSC Students: Please return Fall semester books to Thrive before winter break. Books for the Spring semester will be ordered in early January.
Please contact Mrs. Crutcher,
if you have any questions.
Another Announcement
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Car pick-up lane
Parents your help during dismissal has been amazing. Thank you for being a part of the efficiency of our dismissal process. walk-in
If you would like to pick up your students at the end of the day, please visit the front office, where a staff member will help you. Your patience is greatly appreciated.
Follow up with us
It is always our goal to make sure our families have answers to their questions as promptly as possible. Yet, we know sometimes things fall through the cracks. Please feel free to call the front office or email as a follow up.
THSA Library
Please Note: If there are materials you would like to check out from the library and our office is closed, please take pictures of the barcodes and send them Include your student's first and last name in email. Thank you.
Lost & Found
Please stop and check the lost and found if you or your student are missing items. All materials in the lost and found are donated to a nearby thrift store at the end of the year.
Home School Resources
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas malesuada dapibus mi, sed eleifend metus aliquam cursus. Donec et lacinia dolor, vitae rutrum nunc. Suspendisse eros nulla, tempor vitae enim id, varius dignissim tortor. Sed auctor ipsum quis justo suscipit cursus. Vivamus sed turpis ante. Quisque aliquam condimentum libero nec sagittis.